Latest news

SAGE and THYME ACP workshop

25 February 2014

The first SAGE & THYME for advance care planning (ACP) workshop, open to anyone involved in advance care planning in the UK, has been scheduled for Friday 23 May 2014 at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester.

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Happy New Year!

6 January 2014

The SAGE & THYME Team are now back to work after the Christmas break.  We would like to wish all of our SAGE & THYME facilitators and their associates a happy New Year.

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SAGE & THYME Team Office Christmas Closure

17 December 2013

Please note that the SAGE & THYME office will close for Christmas on the afternoon of Tuesday 24th December and will re-open on Friday 3rd January 2014.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!



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Date for 2014 SAGE & THYME UK conference announced

9 December 2013

The date for next year's SAGE & THYME UK conference has now been set for Wednesday 19 November 2014 at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester.  Please save this date in your diary.  Further details will be available closer to the event.



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SAGE & THYME UK Conference 2013 - presentations

3 December 2013

The presentations from the SAGE & THYME UK conference 2013, held in Manchester last month, are now available on the trainer area of the web site.


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Programme for SAGE & THYME UK 2013 Conference

1 October 2013

The SAGE & THYME UK 2014 conference programme is now available.

The closing date for bookings is Fri 11 Oct 2013 and places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


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SAGE & THYME UK 2013 Conference

6 August 2013

Bookings are now open for this year's SAGE & THYME UK conference, which is taking place on Thursday 14 November 2013 at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester.

The conference will run from 9:30am-4:00pm and will contain a mix of presentations and workshops.

The programme is aimed at people who are existing SAGE & THYME facilitators and those people who are interested in running SAGE & THYME workshops in their organisation.

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Map showing licensees

20 May 2013

The SAGE & THYME Team is pleased to announce that a map is now available on this web site that indicates which organisations currently hold a licence to run SAGE & THYME foundation level workshops.

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National End of Life Care Programme newsletter features SAGE & THYME

25 February 2013

The latest edition of the National End of Life Care Programme newsletter features an article on the original SAGE & THYME training (the foundation level workshop) and the new SAGE & THYME for advance care planning workshop.

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National Cancer Action Team Findings

6 February 2013

A recent survey, conducted by the National Cancer Action Team and looking at the changes that have been made in NHS Trusts to improve cancer patient experience, has found that many of the Trusts had rolled out the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level training.

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Date for SAGE & THYME Conference 2013 announced

7 January 2013

The date for the third SAGE & THYME conference has been scheduled for Thursday 14 November 2013 in Manchester. 

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40th licence signed

17 December 2012

The SAGE & THYME team are pleased to announce that the 40th licence agreement to run the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshops has just been signed.

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