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SAGE & THYME in The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures

11 May 2015

The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures is in its 9th edition, and is regarded as one of the best nursing textbooks available.  The SAGE & THYME team is pleased to announce that the manual now features a section on the SAGE & THYME model and its evidence base.  This demonstrates that the SAGE & THYME approach is becoming embedded in routine clinical practice.

For more information on the Manual click here.


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King's College London students learn about SAGE & THYME

9 April 2015

Nursing and midwifery students at King's College London (King's) are now being taught how to use the SAGE & THYME model to help them to listen and respond to patient concerns.

King's has recently signed a licence to run the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshops and has trained up a number of its lecturers to deliver the workshops to its students.

Read full news story here.

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Paper published on district nurses use of SAGE & THYME model

19 March 2015

An electronic version of a paper, on improving communication with palliative care cancer patients using the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop, has been published by Jane Griffiths, Charlotte Wlison, Gail Ewing, Michael Connolly and Gunn Grande in the European Journal of Oncology Nursing.

The paper highlights how attending the workshop, improved the district nurses' knowledge about communication behaviours helpful to patients; and that this was sustained two months after training.   The district nurses also reported an increase in their confidence in communication skills, which was sustained post-workshop.  In addition, the findings demonstrate that it can be difficult to control the environment when visitng a patient at home.

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Macmillan report on supporting staff

17 February 2015

Macmillan Cancer Support have produced a report on how to support and empower staff to deliver a good experience of care for patients.  This includes ensuring that staff have the right training.

The report gives an example of how the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop has been successfully run by Macmillan Cancer Support in London in partnership with a number of NHS Trusts: the feedback from University College London Hospital "has been excellent".

To read the report click here.

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Successful conference

20 November 2014

The 4th annual SAGE & THYME UK conference was held yesterday.  It was attended by over 60 SAGE & THYME facilitators from around the UK, to hear the latest developments on SAGE & THYME, and to network and make contacts with facilitators from other organisations.

The conference was opened by Felicity Goodey CBE DL, Chair of University Hospitals of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and former BBC journalist, who said that she had attended a few courses in her time, but had never attended one that was "more patient focussed, more effective and better run", than the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop.


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4th Annual Conference Programme released

18 September 2014

The 4th SAGE & THYME UK annual conference programme has now been released.

Visit the News page to download the programme.


To book a place please contact us - places are £65 per person.

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Conference open for registration - Wednesday 19 November 2014

31 July 2014

The details of the 2014 SAGE & THYME UK conference, which will take place on Wed 19 November 2014 in Manchester, have now been released.

As always, the conference will consist of a mixture of presentations and parallel workshops involving a number of speakers from organisations running the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshops in addition to the SAGE & THYME Team.

The conference costs £65 per person - for more information click here.


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SAGE & THYME highlighted in 'One Chance to Get It Right'

30 June 2014

Following the independent review of the Liverpool Care Pathway, the government has published 'One Chance to Get It Right'.

This report summarises the system wide response to the review.  It highlights five new priorities of care and mentions SAGE & THYME as a communication skills training development resource.

For more information, click here.


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National care of the dying audit

5 June 2014

Mandatory communication skills training is the second recommendation in the 'National care of the dying audit for hospitals England' published last month by the Royal College of Physicians and the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute Liverpool. 

The SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop is suitable for providing training to all types and levels of staff in general communication skills; and the SAGE & THYME for Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care workshop is appropriate for more senior staff who discuss advance care planning with patients and their relatives/carers.


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UK Kidney Week - Nottingham University Hospitals presents findings

6 May 2014

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust presented the findings of their evaluation of the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop, at UK Kidney Week in Glasgow on 2 May.  

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Second paper published

24 March 2014

The second paper reporting on the evaluation of the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop has now been published in the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.

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NHS Expo and the 6Cs

5 March 2014

SAGE & THYME training was represented on the ‘Manchester: health is our business’ stand at the annual NHS Expo, which took place in Manchester on 3 and 4 March.

The conference covered a range of NHS issues including care and compassion and the 6Cs initiative being promoted by NHS England.

The 6Cs are: care, compassion, competence, communication, commitment and courage.  They were originally developed for nurses, but NHS England now hopes to expand the approach to the whole of the NHS workforce.  The SAGE & THYME Foundation level workshop addresses four of the 6Cs.


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