Annual Study Day registration now open
We are pleased to announce that SAGE & THYME facilitators and organisers can now apply to attend our annual SAGE & THYME Study Day being held online on Teams on Thursday 14 November 09:30-12:30.
We are pleased to announce that you can now apply to attend our annual SAGE & THYME Study Day being held online on Teams on Thursday 14 November 09:30-12:30.
The programme will include:
Presentations from external speakers and the SAGE & THYME team on:
- SATFAC pack: what's new and why
- Being a facilitator
- Running SAGE & THYME across a large Trust
- The process and impact of teaching a whole directorate about SAGE & THYME
- Advanced skills training and how communication skills should be taught at a range of levels
- Website and resources available
- Using SAGE & THYME rehearsals to teach core listening skills
Two breakout sessions to discuss topics in small groups
20 min screen break
We recommend that at least two facilitators from each licence attends the event, so that they can then share the information gained with the rest of their team.
Please contact us to book a place.